Daca aveti pofta de ceva delicios la micul dejun si aveti si un pic mai mult chef de a sta in bucatarie, atunci va recomand aceasta reteta. Este foarte simpla dar deosebit de gustoasa. Serviti-o calda! Merge si la un brunch, sau intr-o dupa-amiaza, ca gustare.
12 fire sparanghel
4 oua mari
4 felii groase de paine
100g somon afumat
Zeama de la o lamaie
2 linguri de marar tocat
Sare si piper
Ulei de masline
Mod de pregatire:
Incalziti cuptorul la o temperatura joasa. Puneti o oala cu apa (cam cat o palma pe latime) la fiert, impreuna cu putina sare si doua linguri de otet.
Puneti o tigaie pentru grill la incins, adaugati sparanghelul taiat in doua, asezonat inainte si lasati in jur de doua trei minute pentru a se auri. Dati la cuptor pentru a se pastra cald.
Cand apa incepe sa fiarba, dati focul la mic si formati un formati un vartej in apa cu ajutorul unui tel. Adaugati ouale pe rand, scoase din coaja, in mijlocul vartejului, pentru ca albusul sa nu se intinda peste tot in oala. Dupa doua-trei minute, cand acesta s-a fiert, dati intr-un recipient cu apa rece cateva secunde, apoi puneti pe un servet de bucatarie pentru a se scurge de apa.
Dati la toast feliile de paine. Pe fiecare felie puneti somon, 6 fire de sparanghel si cate un ou. Asezonati, stropiti cu zeama de lamaie si putin ulei si presarati marar.
2 bundles of asparagus trimmed
4 large eggs
4 thick slices sourdough bread
100g smoked salmon
Zest of 1 lemon
Small bunch of dill chopped
Salt and cracked black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling
1. Preheat the oven to a low heat. Put a medium sized pan of salted water on to boil, add a splash of vinegar.
2. Put a griddle pan on to heat, when the pan starts to smoke, start grilling the asparagus. You may need to cook this in two or three batches depending on the size of your griddle. It will only take a couple of minutes for the asparagus to be cooked. Once all of the asparagus is cooked, season and set aside in the warm oven.
3. By now the water should be boiling. Crack the eggs one at a time carefully into the water. They will take a couple of minutes to cook.
4. Start toasting the slices of sourdough. Remove the eggs from the water.
5. Divide the toasted sourdough between four warm plates, then top with the smoked salmon, asparagus and a poached egg. Finish with lemon zest, dill, cracked pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
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