Another tea party organized by Emily's cupcakes. For this edition, yellow was the main colour, what is more beautiful and spring like...

Another tea party organized by Emily's cupcakes. For this edition, yellow was the main colour, what is more beautiful and spring like...
Last week I've been to Italy, where we ate some delicious gnocchi at a restaurant. Today I tried a recipe with bought gnocchi, next tim...
Astazi am implint 5 ani de cand suntem impreuna, eu si sotul meu. Am ales un restaurant frantuzesc, mai degraba la insistentele mele, lui ...
Am auzit de cafeneaua aceasta anul trecut cand ma pregateam sa merg in Venetia cu prietena mea, Kleo. Este deschisa constant din anul 1720...
Imi plac la nebunie ciorbele, mai ales cele cu multe zarzavaturi. Cand pregatea mama ciorba de loboda stiam ca a venit primavara. In Londra ...