January 26, 2012

Tagliatelle with bacon and pesto/Tagliatelle cu bacon, ciuperci si pesto

These are my husband's favourite pasta because of the pesto:) they are very easy to make if you have the sauce already made. You can buy some but I am telling you they won't taste as good as with a homemade pesto. Also, use some homemade pasta for a mega taste:)
Aceste paste au devenit preferatele sotului meu, evident ca din cauza pesto-ului:) sunt foarte usor de pregatit daca aveti sosul dinainte facut. Puteti cumpara daca nu aveti timp sa il preparati, dar va garantez ca sunt mult mai bune cu un pesto facut in casa. De asemenea, cu paste de casa este absolut delicioasa!
400g homemade tagliatelle
250g small mushrooms
8 slices of smoked bacon
4 spoons of pesto
200ml sour cream
A hand of fresh basil

Prepair the pasta acording to instructions above or, if you are using bought ones, put them in hot water with a pinch of salt at low heat for 5 minutes, aldente or until you like their taste. Drain them and save a cup of the remaining water.
In a heated pan, fry the bacon cut in small pieces and the sliced mushrooms, without any oil. Turn the heat high so they won't leave any water. After 5 minutes or when they are gold, put the pasta and the saved water in the pan and leave for a minute. Turn the heat off and add the sour cream and pesto, mix together and add a pinch of pepper. It might not need any salt because of the bacon. Decorate with basil leaves.

400g tagliatelle homemade
250g ciuperci mici decojite
8 felii de bacon afumat
4 linguri pesto
200ml smantana
O mana de busuioc proaspat

Mod de pregatire:
Fierbeti pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet, scurgeti-le si pastrati o cana din apa scursa. Daca aveti paste facute in casa, le lasati doar 5 minute in apa sau pana cand sunt facute al dente.
Intr-o tigaie prajiti baconul taiat cubulete si ciupercile taiate felii, fara ulei. Dati focul tare sa nu lase zeama. Dupa 5 minute sau dupa ce ambele s-au aurit, puneti pastele in tigaie impreuna cu apa si amestecati, lasati un minut. Luati de pe foc, adaugati smantana apoi pesto si amestecati impreuna, puneti putin piper. Gustati daca trebuie sare, de obicei baconul este destul de sarat. Presarati deasupra frunze de busuioc.


  1. Ai un blog tare frumos, felicitarile mele!

  2. Imi cer scuze, sunt doar curioasa daca le-ai dat acordul pentru preluarea retetei si a pozei...
    Felicitari pentru blog, si pentru pozele superbe.

  3. Multumesc:) probabil au ceva contract cu unde mai postez retete. mersi, cristina:)

  4. delicioase pastele , stie el ce stie ( sotul !!! ) ;) ... o zi frumoasa!!!!

  5. mmmm ce bunatate gasesc aici la tine! n-am mai mancat si cu pesto si cu smantana, dar sigur fac si eu asa!

  6. Here is the recipe in English. For more questions, I am here:) Enjoy!

  7. Hi, I’m Sonia, italian foodblogger sorry for my bad english, I want tell you that I have included the link of this recipe (which I liked very much) in the section on my blog dedicated to “10 ways to make” (“10 Modi di fare”) tagliatelle.
    I hope not to bother you, have a nice day
